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Jono and Ben have a radio show in New Zealand. We discussed the verdict in the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp trial.



You always keep me sharp Enty - I was talking about this with a friend and after I told them Amber should win and then my response after the verdict was “well she should have won… that’s on her lawyers”


So happy Johnny finally got justice for the disgusting lies Amber spread about him. Anyone who watched the trial, heard all the audio, saw police body cam footage and read all the court documents thousands of them....would never support Amber. She lied so many times & had no evidence supporting her BS. Game over. She is a disgrace to survivors like me who now people are less likely to believe because of her.


Amber did nothing to change the image Depp’s lawyers painted of her. She was arrogant and obnoxious on the stand and never presented anything to show that the bruises weren’t faked after the fact. As someone said on Twitter most victims of DV are believable. Heard simply wasn’t.