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Sandra Bullock closeted question person - She was my family's neighbor down the street in Sunset Beach, CA for years and then bought a second house next to our house for her sister's RV and guests. She might be bi, as many people are, but she was definitely in a real marriage with Jesse James. She was always going places with him and his kids. A very good step mom. Their mom lived a street away. Sandy is best friends with the woman who lived next door. Maybe they were romantic, but it didn't seem like it, and nobody said anything. Sunset Beach is only 1300 people, so rumors go around. She has a husband. They'd walk the dog and go places. Sandy and Jesse paid for and lit the July 4th fireworks on the beach every year and cheered on any of the parades or festivals in the little area. They donated a lot of money to the fire dept. She only moved after he had the affair with McGee and Kat Von D. Then he moved. I used to see Kat's black Bentley convertible arrive very late and leave about 5am every day. I'm a night person. I thought it was Sandy going back to him, but it was Kat sneaking in and out.