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This is an off week in the Amber Heard & Johnny Depp trial. I discuss last weeks events.


Funhouse Mirror

Frankly the way JD talked about women (and he admitted the text was his), his love for the C word as a slur against women, and his admitted 'mood swings' while 'under the influence' I can believe that he 'picked her up by her pubic bone' or the more graphic way AH described that, and held her up in the air. Proving his superiority due to physical strength over her, and demeaning her based on her biological self. All highly misogynistic. Also his boast about a Russian he met and how AH would soon "hit the wall hard" -- in other words he found a younger better one anyway? Was she trafficked, Johnny? Did you ask yourself that?

Funhouse Mirror

And *even that one incident* would be proof of abuse, and therefore her article would not be libelous. The jury's vote will tell how well the smear campaign has worked.


Johnny won!!!! 👍👍👍👍👍💕💕