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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1083.m4a



A lot happened in the Johnny Depp & Amber Heard trial this week. I discuss.



Enty must not have heard all the recordings released, because amber screamed about him "always splitting" when they fight, he leaves,, splits, gets outta dodge. She is also on tape pushing pills onto him. She also screams at him through a bathroom door, I believe. She ABSOLUTELY kept him drunk and high. She's a devious person as Heard on tapes, lol, pun intended! I lived with an addict for 20 yrs, the absolute LAST thing I'd do is offer him pills saying HERE take it, it makes you mellow or whatever she said. I also would NOT be drinking or drugging around him with my friends....its the absolute last thing I'd do, afraid it might appeal to him again and send him off on another binge. I don't believe for a second she wanted to help him get sober. Especially not as someone who lived with an addict. She is garbage


Justice for Johnny. Oh wait he won!!!!


There are no winners here, only a loss for survivors who now know they can't speak out.


And what if he was angry and it did make him mellow, what if when he wasn't taking that he was angry and vicious and you discovered that on some drugs he wasn't like that, what then?