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When the Cassity family bought Hollywood Forever Cemetery, no one knew they were doing so with nearly $1B in illegal money from a Ponzi scheme.


Funhouse Mirror

Interesting. A lot of cemeteries fall into disrepair later. I wonder how they maintain any profits once the land is full. Some movies show the oil pumps near LAX.


Yeah coming out of LAX airport for the first time was not what I expected. A dreary disappointment. Thoroughly enjoyed my stay in LA though. It was nice to finally see the place where all the movies, tv shows and music is made. I think most families that own a cemetery could go through at least a few generations with a cemetery making a profit. If an average cemetery holds maybe 140,000 plots and add in crematorium. Morbid subject lol


Kris Jenner and Caitlyn before bought or were buying plots. I don't know if they did. Probably bought at Forest Lawn. She wanted all black and white coffins like all her creepy Fremason floors and cars, etc. She's all into superstitious witchcraft.

Funhouse Mirror

Is she? Not in disbelief. Now that you say it yes they do always seem to have everything black and white. Clothes, decor. Designer coffins? I want to buy a plot somewhere just so it's done. Who knows what will be if I don't go for a long time. Who will be left. I think pre planning is good, not morbid. Saves any mourners left, a lot of grief during a bad time. And saves them wondering what the person wanted. Or any bickering about it. I've been wondering about a 'green burial' but then I thought "In time I bet they just resell the plot and stack who knows who on top of me. Doesn't sound too comforting." So I dunno.