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On the morning of February 14, 2000, nine year old Asha Degree walked out of her home at 3am and has never been seen again.



I think local police are trafficking kids, and I think, either family or neighbors sold her to the cops and the cops moved her out of town. there were no eye witnesses , that’s why nobody called 911. The cops threw those witness lies out there as red herrings to throw people off, and it worked out great. The FBI IS involved too, so they came in and made up a lie about the girl getting inside a green car. . Their plan worked to perfection.


Church people are always sus to me. Everyone trusts them for no good reason. What better place for a predator to infiltrate? McElligot's Pool is one of the books that Dr. Seuss Enterprises stopped publishing bc of offensive pictures.

Steve Ray

Better places than a church for a predator to infiltrate: * Child Protective Services * Public schools, as a teacher or a counselor * DHS, where you can browse / window-shop through cage after cage after cage of potential merhandise that you can take possession of for free, just so long as you get to fill out the paperwork.