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FFS Joe Rogan took Ivermectin For people NOT HORSE PASTE ivermectin is a people medication also and is sold over the counter in other countries for parasites.

Steve Ray

Probably y'all won't care much, but speaking from peronal experience, Ivermectin is a fine medicine, and I've taken it both as prescribed human pills AND as the horse paste (it's usually apple-flavored, FYI). And I suffered NO ill effects from EITHER version. As such, I say go DIY and,get the horse paste, Just to have around....and because it's so much cheaper than a doctor visit and a pharmacy run. ...Just In Case!


So? Who cares if ppl refer to it as horse paste? Its being used in poorer nations because rich countries hoardered the vaccines. We have vaccines that work and will make it so you dont need horse paste even if you get covid.