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Joan Crawford is a legend with lots of scandals to her name. Lets break down the biggest five of her career.


Funhouse Mirror

Did Jen mean Joan or MM wasn't that into men? MM is reported to have put on a black wig and dressed down in order to pick up men, incognito, while in NYC and single, as an ego boost. This is after she was world famous. She is said to have been able to "turn on" her starlight so to speak and make people turn and look when before she had been walking around unnoticed.

Funhouse Mirror

A really good book on MM is the one written by Lena Pepitone. A married Italian-American lady, she was a great cook, and seamstress, and MM loved both those skills and they got along well. A lot of good stories in that one -- none mean-spirited. But she worked for MM during the Miller marriage. I wish I could remember authors/titles of others, but, there was a teenage boy who hung around outside her NY apartment, (not creepy in those days), and he had loving anecdotes; the story about the black wig was told by various people (IIRC fans and workers.) James Daugherty (her first husband) gave interviews (harmless ones, re their marriage/her early years), which are on you tube. There's a lot out there about MM from people who knew her. Toward the end of her life she allegedly traveled to Mexico to get a "termination" but her boyfriend at the time was a young would-be screenwriter. She also had gall bladder removal surgery toward the end of her life and a side effect was she lost weight naturally, which she was happy about. That's when she did the nude swimming pool photo shoot and the scarves photo shoot and in some of the scarf pix you can see the surgery scar. I used to have just about every book written, about her, but after I've had books a while, I like to give them away.

Funhouse Mirror

Her half-sister wrote a book, too. Bernice Miracle I think? Pronounced My-rikkel. (Big name where she lives, she said in the book.) Bernice looks a lot like their mother Gladys. Delicate. She had some interesting things to say about what went on in Marilyn's house just after her death. Trying to spare her husband the bother and chaos, she had declined his offer to go with her for the funeral. She said she quickly regretted it. The tone of the story was that there were a lot of very pushy people doing things they shouldn't do, but she didn't have the temerity to stop them. Joe DiMaggio handled funeral arrangements and he kept it to only family: although Strasberg gave the eulogy, most of Hollywood was kept out. Some good early photos of MM before fame in that book, also. (Family album photos that hadn't been released before.)