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Two more very special exclusive reveals. You will want to give it a listen.



I think we need a Marie Osmond Deep Dive, Enty. 😊

Funhouse Mirror

Yes, she remarried her first husband who (IIRC stories at that time) cheated on her and (allegedly) spoke demeaningly to her. They had one child, a son. She had even gotten a Mormon annulment which isn't easy to do. She had remarried, he seemed like a good guy, they had biological and adopted children...then she left him I think? And, remarried the snake? (My opinion.) She said their son pushed them back together. (My first thought: Was her ex wheedling the son?) And then there was the episode where she allegedly gave her credit cards to the sitter and disappeared a while? On the variety show she co-starred in with her brother, she was so thin, Karen Carpenter thin, and yet, production was always goading her about her 'weight.' SMH I'm happy for her that she has a thriving career (I'm counting QVC dolls also), but she has been through a lot.