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A discussion of the charges of Josh Duggar and the awful organization known as the Institute in Basic Life Principles.


Funhouse Mirror

Today's headline called the images "horrific."


It’s Wednesday 5/6/21 and I just listened to Emily D Baker, Esq. on the bond hearing for Duggar. 🤮🤮 I am forever scared 😱. The pictures/video’s he is accused of possessing is 💯 % Go Directly To Jail - do not pass Go - Do not collect $100 - Throw Away The Key 🔐 kind of accusations. He possessed one of the top 5 MOST offensive videos of all time. I don’t need to hear more. No constitutional protection - done - just throw him in a concrete box with ....(fill in the blanks). 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼