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A different kind of Easter Egg awaits you today. What happens during a real life Milgram Experiment. 34°14'53.1"N 117°30'48.8"W



Steve Ray

Anyone having trouble visualizing the despicable events Enty spoke of -- especially the jumping jacks -- should watch Compliance NOW for FREE with your Amazon Prime Membership!!! https://www.amazon.com/Compliance-Ann-Dowd/dp/B00AXJHP9M

Steve Ray

FYI: There was another version of these pranks that involved calling people up in their hotel rooms and pretending to be management. The gag here was usually that the hotel was under attack by terrorists or a mass shooter or there had been a poison gas leak, so "I really need you to run all the towels in the shower -- get them SOAKED! -- and put them under the crack in the door. I'm here with the SWAT team, and they say WATER is the only thing that can save you from this terrible nerve gas -- use the wastepaper baskets as buckets! Plug the tub! Do you feel sick yet? The poison might be affecting you already! Never mind, it's too late! You need to break out the windows... use the chair! Use the big-screen flat HD TV!"