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The deepest of deep dives on Peaches Geldof continues.



Stephen Grahn

L R Hubbard was inducted into theOTO by Crowley before Hubbard got involved with Jack P in Pasadena. His OTO name was Frater H

cait b.

I see so many enablers in this story. How on earth could these seemingly ‘with it’ men find it decent to procreate with such sad excuses for human beings? Paula seems entirely selfish. Her behavior on TV with Michael was gross. The photo of Peaches with the baby carriage makes my stomach hurt. I want to rescue that poor little tyke. They both should never have had children. I feel so sad for the two little boys Peaches left. It’s a trashy and tragic tale of ‘popular’ people with zero substance. I still appreciate the deep dive but what is most curious to me is how these people ever got famous. I do think there is more to Bob Geldof than we know. He seems like the ultimate enabler. I knew nothing about him prior to this story. After reading his wiki page what I find most odd is how involved he is in trying to further colonize Africa.