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More on the life and death of Peaches Geldof and those around her.



I think entys opinions are just that. It’s entertainment, not fact. He seems to know a lot more than anyone else I listen to. No one can be 100% all the time.. I like listening to him talk. His voice is calming, and I don’t remember half of what he says.. 😂


It's like these people don't know what CDAN is? 🙄🤣🤦‍♀️

cait b.

Is anyone else feeling kind of annoyed with Michael H. at this point? Why is he such a target and sitting duck? He doesn’t seem like the brightest bulb. Paula appears terribly self centered. Bob G probably is a free mason with dark secrets to have enabled Paula’s behavior all those years. I don’t understand how they could have been successful. Was Paula the more famous one? I’ve never heard of these people lol. I grew up hearing Peaches name but she never really interested me, especially because of the company she kept. (She didn’t have great fashion sense although went thru a makeover similar to Nicole Richie’s transformation). Eli Roth and Pete D? Ew. For her to have done heroin with her baby in the other room is just so sad and selfish. To have left behind two babies and a young husband. Looking back at her proud pregnant pics on the red carpet makes me feel like she did all of it for attention. Who was the ultimate enabler in this story I wonder? And for what?