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Noma Faingold

Regarding what sex scene in a movie might be real. Bruce Dern claimed his sex scene with Maud Adams in the creepy movie, "Tattoo," was real. She was upset about his claim. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0083178/trivia

Gossip Queen

Amy Schumer is a bitch and that's why she gets trashed on social media. If you're a New Yorker, you know she has a huge sense of entitlement, zero sense of humor in public and has negative vibes oozing out of her. I have personally met her several times, none of which was enjoyable. Also, unpleasant to meet are Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. HUGE, HUGE fan of their work but none of these women are the people you would hope them to be :(


I can't stand Schumer I just don't find her funny. There are only so many lady parts jokes I can take before I'm completely bored and the vulgar female schtick lost its appeal when I was probably 17ish... That aside, I saw a few comedians toast this poor guy bc he sort of "let" her come up on stage during his act/time and he didn't tell her to get fkd, and they also trash her. These are like veteran comedians and apparently she's WELL KNOWN for doing this type of shit. Can you imagine being, I don't know, a nurse and another nurse happens to be visiting the pt in the next bed and goes and pushed you aside saying I'm head nurse at the hospital up the street, I've been doing this longer, you mind pushing over and allowing me? Thanks.... Lol! I mean, really, who goes up to someone in the same line of work and just takes over because I can too!? Shows right there the level of entitlement