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Danny Casolaro rode a pale horse into the Bermuda Triangle of the Octopus Syndicate. He did not live to talk about it.


Kathy Turner

I had to listen to this FOUR times. There was so much to digest. So interesting. Made me go look it up myself...and no, I'm not suicidal either (just in case). 😎 Thanks Jen. You really know your true crime. 🙋‍♀️😳👍

FiFi de la Foo Foo

You discussed his extreme nail biting and how he spoke to many people, being chatty is and constant nail biting is a sign of ADHD so perhaps his nervousness and anxiety would exacerbate his symptoms and cause him to be so careless? Just a thought! It doesn't explain why he would discuss the confidential aspects though. Hmmmmmmmmm