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A victim speaks up for the first time. Elon Musk. Rachel Chandler and Clare Hazell. The Dubins have been interviewed about the missing 15 year old Swedish girl.


sascha flick

Was this pod meant to stop as abruptly as it did?

marissa deangelis

The sad thing is... rich people have always done this, but it has gotten so easy with travel, technology, and the internet. A lot of things progressed in the world as far as women's rights, but in many ways, there was less protection for girls in the last 2 decades than ever. Also, with the # of billionaires and millionaires rising, the ability to traffic apparently got insane. Notice how they keep talking how Epstein & Maxwell started to realize that they couldn't take American girls or European girls. They wanted young girls from Africe, Asia, and South America, who could be in plain sight, and no one would pay attention or ask questions. Also, these girls wouldn't know their rights, or even know they had rights. Let that sink in. Some of the powerful men were doing what men had always done. Introduce each other to mistresses, and sometimes even young rich women (like the Jackie Kennedys of the world) were procured to be the wives or mistresses of older/rich abusive men.