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You wanted to know all about the pregnancy announcement. I break it all down. 



I was channel surfing and came across the Yolanda Hadid making a model show from 2018 (Hulu) I watched all episodes (why?? 😩). Wow wow wow. What a window into the true Yolanda. I can now see what you said about her “forming - training” her kids for fame and fortune. I bet she even taught them on how to pleasure your mate. Surrounding herself with “Yes men” and demanding everything be “perfect”. Perfect housing, perfect office, fresh flowers everywhere, huge offices in NYC, all of her Hermès belts and especially ingratiating herself with IMG models - acting like she is a partner and not just the mother of a client. Then she picks a 13 year old baby girl. 13 years old!!!!!!! Like Yolanda would put one cent into a 13 year old and support her until she is 16/17 to walk the runway. I tried looking for the poor girl she picked and zip - nothing. No way Yolanda can afford that huge office for management. That poor production company laid out a whole bunch of cash and to never do a second season speaks volume. I am now positive her kids bought that big farm in Penn. that she lives on. She is now living off her kids $$. I can absolutely see your description of a total meltdown when Gigi announced her pregnancy. Yolanda names dropped her kids 10,000 times. No childhood for those three - just grooming for high prices hooking.

Julie T

Celebrity parents grooming their children and/or renting out their children to other adults is a consistent theme out there. Would be interested if Enty would do a whole segment on this dark subject that seems to fly below the radar (or just get scrubbed from the internet). You’d think that there’s an actual market for this kind of activity.