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I spend about 15 minutes answering your questions and then a solid 30 minutes discussing the latest on Britney Spears and #FreeBritney


T Nat

Here is a strange request, but I would love to hear Enty talk about the the Canadian Broadcasting show, SCTV in particular about Eugene Levy and John Candy (RIP) and Catharine O'Hare. That would be a dream show for me. I just saw "The Last Polka" and laughed for almost an hour straight. I also am a giant Schitt's Creek fangirl and wish they weren't ending the show this season. A tie in with a show on Christopher Guest would be great. What's up with him? He was so prolific for a while and then poof! Thanks Enty! Finally, how about an update on Jason Schwartzman doing a shoot on Sunset. He was the second person I saw when I moved to LA years ago, right after I Don Deluise squeezing produce in Ralphs in the Palisadesl With a chefs hat. I miss LA.

Carol Manthey

I can easily hear this just listening to it on my iPad with the iPad's built-in speakers. Thank you! I'm not having as much luck with the 2020 episodes.