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Almost caught up on the reveal recaps.


Matt Bermudez

Re: Gwen Stefani. Ive seen the residency. The whole show is totally live. Probably the only act in Vegas not to use any prerecords. She really has remarkable pitch and intonation for a pop performer.. especially considering her shows are so physical. Love you but you’re wrong on this.


True! I was front row at the stage last year at her second show. She was definitely singing live because I could hear her pitch change and go out-of-tune a little at times just like any singer would do. Overall she sounded great and danced well. A very entertaining show!


Enty stop skipping days! Please no more Southern Charm or teen skanks. More Gossip Galore and Meghan M, Poopyanka C, Ariana G and Jared L, etc are the bitches we love to hate