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Blind Items Revealed Recap - March 31-April 6


Jimmy Driscoll

Enty forgets to reveal the answers on half of these. Who attempted suicide multiple times. Please get treatment for your ADD Enty!


I don't think anyone will care that Gavin is was/bi and everyone I know and in my age range knows that. I was a HUGE HUGE HUGE Bush fan as a kid and teen and absolutely beyond OBSESSED with Gavin. My room was covered with pics of the band and him, literally every square inch you could not see the wall. He dated a few men when he was young before Bush was even around and had a few trysts while he had and was in between gf's. He dated a girl named Violet for many years who a lot of songs were about in the early days, then there was Sadie and pearl got pregnant sometime in the80s. Pearl didn't tell him or his daughter Daisy for many years and gwen found out when he did! This was common knowledge back then so I don't know who team Gwen is planning to shock with this besides maybe some old people. And her saying she didn't know is a big fat gigantic LIE!! The kid was a surprise to her because pearl didn't tell him for a long time but absolutely nothing else related to him being with guys. And marylin aka Peter busting that out years ago was a joke. He was looking for attention and money no one even cared and everyone in the UK knew that a million years ago. Give me a break. If she is suddenly trying to act like that's the big reason for their marriage caving that is really low and It will definitely change the way I think of her.