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Gabe and I finish up discussing Heather's death and then move on to a variety of other subjects.



keep GH off the pod Enty..

Valentina Vacanti

I buy Gabe’s theory about Heather’s death probably not being caused by rape/penetration gone wrong. He makes good points. However, I really hated how Gabe insisted on theorizing whether someone was or wasn’t abused based on their behavior. All that does is give credence to the people who accuse victims of lying because they did x or y which doesn’t “align with a victim of sex abuse” when it has nothing to do with the facts of the case. Saying MC didn’t get abused because he lost his virginity to a woman at 15 is ridiculous. Contrary to what was stated, a victim of sexual assault is still a complex human with many hardships and emotions and just because Gabe’s cursorily talked to a few dozen victims doesn’t make him an expert on child psychology. I think you’d be hard pressed to find a psychologist willing to speculate if a person who has not spoken about being abused, was or was not a victim. I have no idea if MC was molested or not. In my opinion there’s not enough evidence to know for sure. I just think making those claims and saying terms like “light molesting” is beyond tacky and distasteful.