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Tom Cruise, Nazanin Boniadi and how Katie Holmes came to be. 



Naz was on GH for awhile around 10yrs ago maybe a bit more. Love interest of Patrick Drake and competing with Robin for him. I don't think nic was willing to give up the kids I'm sure there was a contract and it was never up in the air how they'd be raised. From day one he was raising his kids in the church. Also at that time I don't think her going up against him would of worked. By the time Katie was around a lot more about him had came to light and people were looking at him differently for all of his crazy antics. Nic didn't have that shot and thanks to Katie's dad she had more guidance on steps to take. Once the kids were a little bigger they would say they wanted to be with their dad. And for years before Nic had her kids the media would say she was barren. They would say it while they were together.


These 'Celebrities' lives are pathetic what's it all for? If I did not have my reason for living being sold out for Jesus then I wouldn't make it in this world.