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What better way to spend an hour than doing a deep dive on the dirt about Ashton Kutcher followed by my thoughts and gossip on the past and current members of the cast of the Real Housewives Of New York.



Enty how could you leave Sonja out of your Luann and dorinda party. Lol there's a solid 4 seasons she carried the show with her alcoholism lol way before dorinda was in the picture. They are all a mess but there have been times Sonja has truly disgusted and frightened me ....and I like her lol but it's true


Ashton used to hang out with Diddy a lot. Diddy likes going to gay bars. I think Ashton and Diddy went to hookup with men. Demi Moore was bisexual, and it came out that she used to like threeways with Ashton and another woman. I wonder if they've ever done ones with another man.