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R. Kelly is the worst celebrity sexual predator I can remember. Why is he still working? Why do women inside and outside the entertainment world not only support him, but actively glorify him. What will it take to bring him down? *

* In the podcast I talk about Elizabeth Banks as director of Pitch Perfect 3. I had her on the brain, and meant to say Patricia Sie. 


Kerstin Wittersheim

Unfortunately I can't access this podcast anymore :(


Not to be the racist asshole who’s insensitive. But was R. Kelly able to get away with these things as being behind like Jordan and Micheal Jackson as the most well recognized and liked artist or star of color at his time. Like growing up in the middle of nowhere, R Kelly was like the Black star I mainly knew growing up in the early 2000’s was him and MJ, ironic crossover looking at it now. Like cause Rap doesn’t reach the whole world back in the early 2000’s but RnB was. So I imagine that had an impact.