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Welcome to the deepest of deep dives you will ever hear about Britney Spears. There will not be one drop of tea that is missed. You will hear things you never have. I promise you that. You will hear things that Britney told me back in the early days of the site. You will learn why the whole Britney construct as the sexy virgin saving herself for marriage was just a very well constructed and enforced PR lie to sell records and concert tickets. This deep dive goes from the days of The Mickey Mouse Club right through to November 2018. When you finish all the parts, there will be nothing you don't know. 



Enty: "Jason Alexandar has never been shy admitting his love of party favors" Me: Oh, drugs Enty: "...including drugs..."


Only "proof" of Justin on set was the MTV Diary that she filmed during the Crossroads portion of her life. He briefly appears while she is doing dub over work. I wonder how much he got paid for that!? Carson Daly probably took a pay cut that year....