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This month is a little crazy for me so there is only going to be one update. Sandwiched between two conventions and a holiday has me running around like mad. Luckily the update is more comic! And a comic page with lots of panels at that :3

Enjoy, and don't talk with your mouth full!



Rey Fox

Is anybody going to ask why in this remake of Table For Three we have a fourth character showing up?


This remake is much longer and contains backstory and conflict leading up to the events of the original. The first comic was just a single scene and I am expanding on that. Think of it as a sandwich of the first comic. So there will be more characters, build-up, etc!

Luin Akisame

I honestly feel like comics often don't give enough pages to oral. Thanks for helping to fix this!


I get the feeling we're going to get a very rude smash cut as someone interrupts Ben's fantasies! Hopefully he doesn't get caught with his pants down!