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Ben runs to the bus while contemplating some morning literature.


This one I wanted to do something like a title page now that we are 100% done with any prologue and onto the full story. I also threw in a more 'normal' page for reading purposes.  I'm sure everyone by now who read the older version knows this is headed down a more long and meandering path. The core story will still be there, I promise, but I (hopefully) threw in some fun little curves on the way to keep it fresh. We're taking the scenic route, as they say :3 

This is my last post before the new year so I wanted to thank everyone for their support during 2022! Onward to 2023 and all the updates it holds.




“Ah ha ha ha ha. Fuckity fuck.” Is just brilliant.

Dhaka Yeena

I’m genuinely excited for this

Azin The Wizard

Ooo, looks like some possible foreshadowing


Fluff mode: ACTIVATED I'm so on board for a more scenic route, love the addition of all the story and character building (new year started a week ago but still! Happy new years! Here's to a fantastic 2023!)


Oh, it seems like you added some doubles in the image downloads for this. That or some names are the same


I love the different directions that all the simultaneous conversations on the bus go.

Wild Doggo Jackie

Every time I see Ben it's a boost of serotonin, also I felt that yawn


Same... Straight to the heart. 6 wonderful Ben faces is a powerful dosage


I'm glad people are into the long winding path I am taking to wrap around what was essentially a single scene. I really wanted to make it a (hopefully interesting) story :D

Stoker Bramwell

That is such a Ghibli face right there at the start. I can see the animation and everything