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This was a little scene I had in my head for a while that I thought would be appropriate for Pride month. Also used it as practice for a black and white style I might want to use for some more work in the future.

A little peak into Terry's past, most likely early high school or late middle school? He lives with his two grandparents who are both smaller and shorter than him. His Grandad walks him to the bus stop every day and usually attempts some kind of small or pep talk before school. While quite old he has been around enough to read between the lines and he wants nothing more than to support his grandson.

Also no glasses, he didn't get them until a bit later.

This comic is close to me so I hope you all enjoy it even though it's tiny! 


Table for Three comic pages will also return first thing in July. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of Pride Month <3




If I was elderly, I'd give him so many Werther's originals


;-; More Terry always he's such a sweetheart


Aww, this is so sweet &lt;3, would love to see more about his transition/coming out explored like this.


I really like this, it's really touching! Grandpa might not understand what Terry is feeling but he loves him anyway ❤️


Omg, my heart &lt;3


Curious, Is Terry his given name, or did he choose it for himself and his granddad is being supportive there, too?


He's pretty lucky to have been given a fairly androgynous/typically masculine name, then!