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Because Terry doesn't have a separate pride image and he deserves one!

I've recently been designing a slightly older Terry (vaguely in his late 20's, but it doesn't matter too much). He gets an undercut, a stronger upper body (from a mechanic job), and a little (a lot) more confidence.  I really like the idea of time skips so I wanted to play around with that. I thought about doing something similar with Avery but I don't think his late 20's version would be much different.

I also realize I don't draw Terry with his old Paragon tattoo anymore so I threw it on here. Barely visible, but still! It's a good blue.


I have both versions as a print in my store www.ayceeart.com  

You can also use the super secret code PATREONTHANKS at check-out for 10% off all orders made before June 30th




Mega cute. Might have to snag one of those prints


;3; I always adore more Terry he's such a sweetheart. I can't wait to see more of him


Love the new hairstyle. Super cute!


He looks great and so happy!


I love his redesign, glad to see him find his confidence! Hope you'll have the time to show more of him here in between working on the comic. Would be fun to see him working, too :3


Almost thought that piece of confetti between his bellybutton/ tattoo was a scar for a second. Also, my print arrived and I love it!