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Avery sporting his Halloween get-up which is a cross between something undead and something scientific something very colorful but undead. I wanted to play around with giving him an alternate halloween fur style as well as a sort-of SFW version. I like them all so enjoy lots of options!




Hells bells, this is awesome! Can't imagine how much work it took him to get all dolled up...or how much work it'll take to get cleaned up. :P


Oooo!!! Avery looks so good!!! I love the darker colors! They just pop so well!


BIG fan of the alternate colors


What a pumpkin patchwork cutie, haha


I’d love to be able to get this as a print when it’s done!

Husky Hangover

Oh this is lovely!! The change off of pink must have been a struggle ahahaha~ How do you imagine the patches to work? Are they like... furred cloth taped on?


I originally went with “paint” but now I sort of imagine the stripes as bleached fur he then dyed in patches. If that’s the case he’s probably going to be dyed until Thanksgiving though haha.


Emmm...considering the relevant location, is Avery inserting the pumpkin? XD


From the sketch I'd assumed it was some kind of mad science on Sandra's part, lmao.