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Happy pride month! And happy first month where I start to answer some of these asks ( for those new you can find the post to ask questions / make suggestions as the pinned up top ).

I'm still thinking a little about how I want to format these. Some of them answers will be short comics, others will be a few answers to a page. Some of the short comics will also combine 2-3 questions together if they work thematically. For this one I went with the question that encompassed main theme to this short 2 pager. But this one answers a few shorter ones as well (I think!) In the future that format may change a little depending on the mood of what's drawn.

That said, enjoy vague timeline sometime-in-the-past Sandra and Ben. Ben doesn't change a whole lot. His mane is a little different and he has less of a scruff on his chin. Sandra just had long hair. It really only gets longer as time decreases. She chopped it all off at one point, but who knows when that was.

Ben also takes his coffee with a lot of cream so it's not super hot, don't worry.  



Stoker Bramwell

Okay but college Sandra and Ben are really cute


What a dork. I love men too, Ben


They are sliiightly out of college here (might not be clear, WHOOPS). Sandra and Ben didn't go to the same college and met after. But It's pretty close! My timelines are a bit wonky since I am retconning a few things I BS'd when I was a young just-starting-comics nerd LOL


Ben is perfect. Just look at him


OoOh I love this a ton! Seeing these early interactions is going to be so entertaining omg


I'm trying not to be TOO confusing with some things I'm changing. When I first started I was a bit whimsical with their backstories because I didn't plan on doing so much with them later. Now I'm like.... aaaaaahhhhhhh. DON'T BE ME.

Stoker Bramwell

Speaking as someone who changed the timeline of their own comic in mid-chapter, I seriously feel you


There's not too much awkward stuff in the timelines :p The only other potential thing to come to mind is when Terry had his top surgery.

Miles Seawind

No matter what he likes, he's still a cute bean.


Omg yay!!! Ben is so sweet!


Poor guy, I know what that's like.


God I love these two.


Aw dang, way too relatable =D Great job.


Awwww he's such a cute dope.

Azin The Wizard

Ben is adorable when he's nervous