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I posted these to my twitter but wanted to give Patrons access to the higher res images to look at. Just a silly screenshot draw-over I used as a warmup during the week. I tried not to take it too seriously and have a bit of fun :3

Based on this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Skutk1P2T5g [skip to about 40 seconds for this particular part] in Parks and Rec where I jokingly thought "haha, that's how my first comic started" 




It’s almost a shame it didn’t involve the P&R character Ben. :)


I DO love that Ben. I sort of wish I could say that's who this Ben was named after since they are pretty similar TBH.


Since Ben from Parks and Rec came up, was Terry somewhat inspired from him when you redesigned him for the comics? I remember rewatching the show last year and feeling like the two characters reminded me of each other (though its possibly that its just because I find both characters really cute).


None of the characters are originally based on anyone from P&R, though I did make a joke about The Cones of Dunshire with Terry when I was doing my first watch-through. Depending on what I binge at the time of working on comics some things may slip in here and there though. Who knows, PR/Ben might be what Terry could turn into in 10 years sans the government job :> Fun also-binge-watch fact: Ben's name came from Lost which I was watching while making Table for Three


I love this in so many ways


I love Ben's face there


Avery's face like - oh, it's a fifth times that week, but, ehh... Fine Also awesome job on that fluffy suit Sandra wearing. Looks soo snuggable:3


Yes, this is great!


The very colorful drink feels so in character ahahaha!


It's based on a terribly sugary drink from Chili's! https://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/eFEiZWlYvTnuyeswbCyoJg/o.jpg


hah this is great, Bens expression tho lmao


That's a quick "yes" :) Random-ish comment: New to your Patreon, found you via a pirate site that aggregates furry NSFW comics. So ... pirate sites bad? Pirate sites advertisement? I can't tell, I'm not a creator. I can say that I giggled at "Critical Success" and decided to look up the creator.


I consider pirate sites to be something that will always be present in creator space. I watermark my art at the bottom so that people who would like to support me can hopefully type in the link and find my work. Unless a pirate site is directly trying to profit from my work (aka anything more than ads) I don't mind, and consider them a way to reach people that may otherwise not know of my art! That said I also understand many people cannot afford to pledge for content and there are a million reasons for pirating. I give mine away for free a few weeks after it's posted here for that reason but, again, that can't always reach people who don't know my FA/Twitter accounts. I do this art because I love it and I simply hope others will enjoy it as well. The pledges here act as a tip jar to help me keep creating content with a roof over my head and my bills paid. I'm forever thankful for all the folks who see value in what I do (like you!) :3