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And this is the end of the short comic! Thanks so much everyone who enjoyed reading it since August :D, or the new readers who just popped in and going through the backlog. It was fun to get back into comics again after such a long absence. 


Next month starts the answers to some of the Asks from the beginning of May. If you would like to participate I pinned the post in the patreon timeline so there is easy access. The questions are not locked to any tier so feel free to put something up :3

Some of the answers so far are short, combined, or part of slightly longer (4-5 page) comics I'm writing out. Thanks to that post I am full of ideas and hope you are all excited about them!




Did not think avery could be any cuter.... I was wrong.


Absolutely precious


Cuuute, Hoping to see that ending note continued in spirit in the asks, we need more Terry and Avery interactions =3

Lynxy Lynx

Super cute

Chamomile Sheep

What a lovely conclusion to this comic. You consistently nail the expressions too; I love it. Especially Avery's face in the main frame!


"want to nerd out over coffee" might be my favorite social gambit ever