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Edit 12/29/21: Taking a little pause on these since I am working on something larger that requires a lot of planning/attention right now. I will come back to these when I get more time, so I'm leaving them up for now :3 


I wanted to bring back character asks!

It's been a handful of years since I offered these. There were a variety of reasons I originally discontinued them, the main one being time.  I would love to bring these back for a test run and for an opportunity to have an interactive experience for patrons with the idea that they might be put on the back burner if other projects become a priority.

My goal is to make these answers anywhere between a panel or two (for questions that can be answered easily) to even a few page comics in order to have fun with shorter snippets into the lives of these characters. I figured that May would be a good a time as any to bring them back since my more detailed comic is winding down to its last few pages and time between larger projects might be extended as I work out what I want to do next :3

I also want to explore more of these characters in short bursts that aren't necessarily huge 30-60 page comic projects.

- SFW and NSFW questions are both fine! I will write about either.
- Ben, Sandra, Terry, Avery, OR any combo of these characters is up for questions.
- I will most likely choose 1-2 a month to draw depending on time, length of comic, inspiration, etc. Might be more, might be less but I'm hoping to at least get to a few!
- If you have multiple questions respond to your own thread to keep things organized.
- Don't have a question? A vague idea also works!
- If you like a question/idea someone else wrote, favorite it :3
- I will not be able to get to all questions, and asks may end if I find I don't have the time to spare any longer. I'll try to let everyone know when that cut off happens if it does.
- Most all questions are fair game but please refrain from asking anything: Transphobic, Sexist, Homophobic, Racist, etc etc. I trust you all to be awesome but if a question, well, comes into question I will hide it.

I'm excited to bring these back and I hope they are a fun thing for people! 




Ben and Sandra, how did you two first meet/ first start dating?

Robin Raccoon

Avery- between Ben and Sandra, who is the best to bottom for?


Avery - What's your process for being able to use such large toys? Got a favorite one?


It would be fun to see how they met each other! Someone already said Sandra and Ben but it would be cool to see how Avery and Terry met too!

Azin The Wizard

Anyone - Who has the cuter moans, Avery or Ben?


So... Avery and Terry, how close friends are you? èwé


Terry - Any Fun/ favorite characters you've played in a p&p tabletop rpg when you weren't DMing/GMing/etc?


Question to Avery , did Terry continue to teach you the game of DnD, or did everything go stalled ?


For avery and Terry -have you to ask Ben and Sandra to do D&D with you two?


Ben, Sandra, and Avery: any further threesome escapades since the events of “Table For Three”?


A generic question, but maybe most specifically for Ben and Sarah! You guys seem to enjoy the occasional bedroom guest star - does Jealousy ever rear its ugly head, and if so how do you both deal with it?


Oh man I loved those, the one where someone asked if Ben knew what Sandra's favourite food was still makes me laugh x3 Right, questions Avery/Terry you guys seem pretty good friends, how long have you known each other, and how did you meet?


Ben and Sandra: what are your hobbies and do you share any interests?


One more for avery and Terry have you encountered the spell baleful polymorph / true polymorph in your role-playing sessions? If not what are some fun scenarios you can think of with the use of this lovely spell


Avery - how full is your toy closet? And what's the biggest toy you have?


Oh, this'll be fun! For Avery: What's the best job you've ever had, and what's the worst? (SFW or NSFW... depends on what the jobs were and what he did, I suppose!)

Lynxy Lynx

Eee! Happy these are finally back! I have so many questions... So let me pick just a few! You can just pick one if you do choose any of mine! Avery: What do you see yourself doing in the future? Have you ever topped a guy? When did you first start expressing yourself the way you do? What are some of your hobbies? (Photography, gardening, gaming, stuff like that!) Terry: How/when did you and Avery become friends? Have you and Avery ever done anything more intimate? Sandra: What’s your favourite kind of food? Have you ever done something intimate with another woman? (You mention that Sandra’s bixeual but we’ve never seen anything haha) Ben: What is the most interesting sexual or nonsexual thing Sandra has asked to try with you? Have you ever had any goofy or funny experiences with Sandra that stand out to you? (sexual or nonsexual!) This goes for anyone: What's a kink that you're a little more embarrassed about? Or haven't shown before?


Oh sweet! Ok I got one, Ben and Sandra, how did ya two meet??


To everyone (though Terry and Sandra are a bit softer around edges :p) what do you do in terms of diet&exercise to stay in such nice shape?

Draken Stark

Question to whoever has the most interest, "Have you ever tried or have thoughts about beans and paw play?"


Sandra and Avery: Who has the bigger toy collection? Ben: what is you coming out story?/what is the story to were you discovered that you were bisexual? my husband and I would like to know, because he came out at Bisexual in 2020. Terry: do you have any favorite snacks? And do you like playing video games or board games?

Husky Hangover

Question for Avery: Do you... or can you dom? And if so, what might that look like?


Terry: How would you describe your ideal partner?


Wow ive missed these! Question for All: with summer coming up, what’s your go to swimwear? Or is skinny dipping more of your thing?


Ben and Sandra: What is your ideal night together? Do you prefer to cuddle on the couch or get real spicy?


Ben: What sort of advice would you give someone looking to explore a bit in the bedroom? Sandra: What sort of career aspirations do you have? Avery: Have you tried other games with Terry like D&D? If so, which one(s)? If not, which game(s) would you want to try with them? Terry: What advice would you give to other DMs out there when it comes to managing new players?


To all: Do you have any interesting and/or memorable family members?


Ben and Sandra: What's the wildest night you two have ever had? Avery: What's your secret to having such nice hair and fur? Terry: What are your favorite outfits for warmer weather and cooler weather?

Chamomile Sheep

Terry: What's your favorite RPG campaign or session that you've run?


Terry and Avery: What kind of music do you like? :3


This could be fun. For Ben and Sarah : What are your sweetest moment you ever done? For Terry: Since you play table top a lot, What is weirdest moment that you ever encounter? (It could be funny or kinky moment) For Avery, I recall you have answer what weirdest present you ever get.... Now, I would like to know what weirdest present gift you ever give to your friends? XD


Avery: Have you played more tabletop RPGs since Critical Success? Terry: When did you start your transition and how hard was it to come out for you?


To Ben and San: I don't see any wedding rings, you two are married right? Even if not in a more traditional sense?


They answered that already in one of the old ones, I believe :3 https://i.imgur.com/ynLUlv9.jpg


Avery: Have you ever experimented with different hair styles?

Biohazard 001

To all: What music do you like?


Terry and Avery: how did you two meet and what was that first encounter like?


is Pink Avery's real hair color?


Oooh, they did that one a while ago, no, he dyes his hair https://www.furaffinity.net/view/14406535/


Vague idea - cute/sfw interaction between Avery and Sandra. They're introduced as close friends, but we've mostly just seen nsfw interaction between the two :p edit - an extra one for Terry and Avery: You two are around the same height/body type, do you ever trade or try on the others clothes? edit 2 - before you added Terry to them, you answered "what are you wearing for Halloween " for Avery, Ben, and Sandra, it would be fun to see Terry's answer to this one, too.


Avery: Do you have a favourite body type in terms of sexual partners? Also, have you dated anyone before? ... and actually one more for Aycee: How would you say their voices sound like?


I was looking back through Table for Three and happened to notice that Avery's entire ballsack is smaller than just one of Ben's nuts. Is Ben twice as virile as Avery, or are appearances deceptive?

Lynxy Lynx

Oh - some more; Avery: Do you ever get mistaken for a female? If so - how do you react? Terry: What's your story in terms of your transition?


Sandra: have you ever thought about doing breathplay with Ben, for example with a plastic bag or with a rebreathing bag ?

Foxy Able

Any interest in paws among the group?


To Avery and Ben&Sandra: Do you still keep in touch? Will you hang out sometimes, or just limit the relationship in bed?

Knighted Treble

To Avery and Ben: Have you guys ever tried docking/foreskin play?


To Avery: Are there any kinks that are popular and harmless that you just don't "get"?


Terry: what are your favorite plants?


Looking back at Table for Three, I can't help but wonder if Sandra tried out Avery before Ben got his gift. Between spending time with him at the bar and waiting for Ben to get home, she'd have had plenty of time to take everyone's favorite pink-haired kittyboy for a ride. So I guess my question for Sandra is: Did you choose Avery for Ben's birthday present on looks alone or did you make sure he was a good lay first?

Markius Fox

Terry: Are there any kinks you'd only share with Avery?


Sandra what was your first reaction/thought when u saw bens "size" for the first time?


Avery, what is your favorite underwear/lingerie you like to buy?


SFW question: Does Ben have a fashion style he prefers? Does he dress and groom himself... or does Sandra/Avery do it all for him lol?


NSFW scenario: Dick Size Chart between Ben / Avery / and any others! (maybe with some fun dialogue amongst them)