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Hey everyone! Hope the first month of the new year has been going as well as it could for everyone. It's been a rocky start, and the months are still chilly here but we're moving forward!

That said, I wanted to write a post to let Patrons know about a change that's happening here.  As of last month I  have been offered and accepted a 9-5 job outside of furry artwork. While this is a great step for me it also means some changes need to happen to my schedule.  The biggest (and, really only) one being I will only be able to work on Patreon content about half as often as I usually do. 

Due to this:

- Rather than 3-4 uploads of finished pieces every month as I've done for the last year I am going to be doing about 1-2 through the months of 2021.  For reference, this was about the pace I was doing October-December in 2020.  Nothing else will be changing about the Patreon itself. You will still only be charged when I finish a piece and on paid months the $5+ tier will still receive PSD packs and files. There will just be a bit of a slow down as I get used to a new schedule and figure out how to balance things well between the two.

I do have projects planned beyond the comic that is finishing up right now.  Messing around with a few ideas in the background! The completion of Daydreams and Dragons will still be at a semi-regular pace and finish up pretty soon. Projects starting up after will be a little more of a build up overtime since I will have less time to work on them throughout the week. I'm hoping that by mid year I will have the schedule worked out and find a nice middle ground of work flow :3

I'm also thinking of bringing back the character-asks I did a few years ago. Especially because they are fun character building exercises. I might even make mini comics out of a few!  I'll definitely make a post about that later on in the coming months. Right now I'm still figuring out my schedule for February, ho boy...

That's sort of it! Other than the above things are planned to be the same through 2021. Fingers crossed for an uneventful year. Thanks so so much for the support!



Congrats on the new job!


Thanks! I'm so used to contracts and freelance rather than a salaried position so it's definitely new for me <3

Francis C

Ayy! Congrats!


Congrats! Excited about the asks being brought back, the old ones were really cute :3 https://d.facdn.net/art/roanoak/1409252266/1409252266.roanoak_asksw1ben.jpg https://i.redd.it/ajsvxqazntp11.jpg


Great, I can finally ask some questions to the characters.


Congrats on the job! Good luck to you and hope it all goes well!~ >w>


Congratulations! Good luck with the new job!