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Final page all done! Thus ends this comic. That one took me almost a whole year of work and I learned a whole lot doing it. I hope my next one can be as good an experience!

As per last time there will be a few weeks delay between this comic and posting the next one to give me time to get things together.  This will be the last paid update for the month of February. Back to work!




I'd play with Avery anytime. ;3


Aw, these two are cute.


That first panel <3


Gotta go fast! Haha, poor Terry with those pretty blue eyes <3 Still not sure how he can resist Avery though.


This was a wonderful comic, and your best-paced so far! I never felt like the action was jumping around too much or things were being skipped. And the expressions and movements felt very real and immersive. I love every page of it, and I can't wait to see what you do next. <3 I'm especially hoping we get to see more of these two together. They're both adorable, and they'd make some cute noises rolling around in the sheets, I think. ;D


Terry is so adorable <3 Loved this comic, enough that I bought the printed version ^^ Can't wait to see the next one


awww terry X3 may be next time you can find a way to pay back Avery I think XP


God Terry looks so damn adorable!!!!!