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Good thing this is a fantasy because I'm sure something that size would take a lot more work in person.  He's a bit of a size queen so of course the fantasies would match that. I think the dragon took me the longest to draw out of everything here but I'm getting the hang of him :3

Thanks so much for the support! Hope you all enjoy :D



Stoker Bramwell

He's been waiting so long that he's gone past blue balls and into the rarely seen blue dong

Lynxy Lynx

Aren't we all size queens - I know I am!

Omi and Lucas

Lovely! Cannot wait to see more!


So...is he sucking something irl? His own finger, a dildo or just imagination?


Lol, how the "Your fault if my backstory makes no sense" is priceless XD

Husky Hangover

I love to see how this page progressed from sketch to final! Seeing art processes is always super insightful, so thanks a lot for that! That being said, also can't wait to see where this cat of bottomless shenanigans takes this ahahaha~ ♪

Chamomile Sheep

Absolutely loving the dialog here. It's got the perfect amount of witty comic relief for the nature of the comic and comes across effortlessly. It's also, you know, really hot art.


I love the little detail you added of Avery using his big, fluffy, lynx tail to tickle the tip just a smidge ❤