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Last one!

He seems to have caught the eye of a few lads at a special nightclub. One that is more than happy to let you get down and dirty on the dance floor, though most people seem to prefer the back. Avery, having no lack of self confidence, is happy one way or the other. Hopefully he can show them all a good time! 


Whew, this series was super fun :D For ease I put all the files I uploaded on Patreon in this post as a zip so everyone doesn't have to scroll back for all of them

Thanks so much for the support! 



Stoker Bramwell

Hope he remembers where he left his bottoms in all this, that's all I'm saying! X)


Avery sure is one stretchy lynx!

Azin The Wizard

That was an amazing series. Hopefully there are more like it in the future.


Lovely vignette series! Colour and everything! c: Wonderful /finish/ to the series too! ;3


Can never have to much Avery in one's life. Excellent stuff👌

Erin (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-03 15:41:16 Love this boy <3
2020-08-02 05:53:54 Love this boy <3

Love this boy <3


Love him, Avery is such a cute/handsome guy.