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Got some flats up for you to look at (minus the very-small-difference alternate legoshi since those sorts of edits are usually done post-final piece). Legoshi's piece is a bit less saturated as far as my usual colors go, which will hopefully be a fun experiment for me!


That said I want to make a little note on updates:

This month has been taking a little longer than other months as far as workflow so there will most likely only be 2-3 paid updates rather than the 4 I previously aimed for in the past.

Overall I'm trying to be a kinder to myself on Patreon going forward so I don't burn out like I have in the past. While updates will always max at 4 per month there will be many months going forward that will see 1-3 paid completed posts rather than 4.  Regardless of what I can finish I'll always  post as many WIPs as I can which will always be free for $2+ patrons! 

Going forward: I really want to start working towards another larger project soon. I've been sitting on it for quite a few years at this rate and would love to start hammering it out proper. These months are bit of a warm up for me to get back into a flow and I would like to do at least one more vignette series and a pinup or two if possible! There is a lot jumbled around in my head as far as what I want to do with familiar characters, new characters I want to make, pinups I want to draw, and stories I want to tell. I really appreciate the support you all give as I get back into the groove!



Azin The Wizard

I'm loving how the daki's are coming out. Out of curiosity, should Ben have cuffs in both pics or just the one?


These are looking great~ Take all the time you need, no ones going to blame you for taking the time you need to make more great stuff


I'm so excited for the Ben NSFW Daki to come out! I'm so happy with the SFW one already!


It's been in the works for SO LONG on my back burner. I'm happy to finally be able to make all the NSFW counterparts and complete the set.


Just the one! I was curious if that was going to confuse anyone but the idea was that his hands aren't bound in the first and he is more cocky/showing off but in the second his hands are bound and he's a little more in 'sub mode'. It's kinda subtle though!


The flats look wonderful! really loving how the Ben daki is turning out! :3 (as per another comment I did not notice the cocky to sub mode switch thing, but I think it makes the daki even better!). Also, the colour choice for the background on the Sandra daki is a fantastic one (purple is my favourite colour uwu). Cannot wait for these to arrive, and for the finished pieces! c:


Looking awesome!

Omi and Lucas

We just love all your characters, but really enjoy fanart stuff too! Would love to keep seeing a Rule 34 pinup now and then, and really enjoying the vignets! Honestly just happy to support whatever work you are able to produce ^^