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And the final colored versions! I think this one may be one of my favorite dakis I've done. I might say that about every daki, though. Oops! Terry has a special place in my heart, though. 

Thanks so much for the support! And enjoy :D this will be the final upload this month. I'm going to be working on the pinup post based on the R34 poll next, as well as the Sandra daki. Hoping to show you all some awesome progress through April.


As for the pre-orders and sales of this daki it won't be for a little bit. Since I am not attending any cons until October I wanted to try and get a few different dakis done to have up before making a new order with my supplier and have them all at once. I also want to give them a bit of time to recover from recent events.  There will definitely be a pre-order post when that happens! I will do my best to keep everyone updated with that. My plan is to try and have it around the weekend BLFC would have normally been as a special-sort-of-con online sale. 

Oh yeah, and Happy Spring!




Well I am absolutely going to be buying one of these dakis. Terry is such a fricking sweetheart =3


I love this, it looks so cute! :3 I like the colour fade change thing in his hair; I think it looks fantastic! The heart on his butt makes the entire thing even more perfectly cute! c; Will definitely be getting this when preorders open up! (hopefully, I will have enough funds at that point lol)

Azin The Wizard

The daki came out amazing, can't wait to order when it comes available. Terry is such a cutie.


Oh my gosh! It came out so incredible! I just love Terry so much too!


<3 I love him, this came out perfect =3


Aww, Terry is the absolute best! <3


Question! Do you have quality versions of the SFW one? I searched patreon and e621 and cant seem to fine the files =/