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Hey everyone! Long time no post, and hoping to change that around in 2020. I've wanted to get back into the NSFW groove forever, but with a ton of moves, live changes, etc it was really hard. I'm finally settled in a place where I feel I can work and I'm really excited to breathe life into this Patreon again!

I figured I'd kick things off for Feb with a new series of vignettes I've been wanting to draw and experiment around with since October (Spooky!). This image series is going to be about 4-6 long and detail a magic spell gone incredibly right.  Sandra found an old book in the back area of a used bookstore and wanted to try it out. Ben is always willing to help, even if the results are surprising! Hang in there buddy.


Edit: Added in the second sketch! It looks like Sandra learned how to summon more than just a few hands. I don't think anyone here minds, though. 

There is a bit going on in part 2 I'm going to work with, mostly I made his mane pretty FLOOF and I have to remember to tone that down. That's what I get for drawing Hyenas forever after the last time I drew Ben, haha. Also experimenting with editing these posts VS. always posting a new one for each sketch. I think it's nicer to have them all in one place if they are a mini-series.


Edit 2: Last two images in this mini series and the last edit for this post! I will be adding text over the last 3 parts once it's done, so that's a secret for now ;3 but I will be inking and coloring these all soon! Enjoy some fresh WIP.




OwO, I love; Do you have plans for other after this one? I've been desperately hoping for something with Terry and Avery since you started with Safeword.


I do have plans for them, loads of plans, but I am thinking about how I want to handle it overall! I want to do a comic but I need a few test-warmups to get back into that groove! It's going to be the main focus behind the scenes for the coming months and I'm really hoping to get a story with those two started :3


Yay <3 <3 For a smaller things a bit of Terry messing with Avery in DnD esque shenanigans would be super cute.

Stoker Bramwell

I am SUPER into this. Also it's good to see you back! I completely understand about life changes let me tell you. We gotta catch up sometime


Awwhh yay!! I love seeing these two get into fun things!! and It's good to see you back in action, Totally understand life getting in the way and that's way more important! I cant wait to see the rest of your ideas come together for this!!

Lynxy Lynx

It's so good seeing you getting back into the thing you love!


Looks awesome!

Azin The Wizard

I love the comic so far, keep up the great work!


This comic looks interesting! Also I was wondering would it be possible to see Sandra giving Ben a rimjob in the comic? :)


Probably not in this series! But it's something I have wanted to draw for a whiiiiile so I'm putting that on my short list :3


Looking good! will there be any more pics of Sandra alongside the text? be a shame to only see her in the silly hat once :P


I have a few thumbnails with her present that I might finish up depending on time. They are a bit more comedic in nature, but no silly hat :(


Will you do a couple smaller things like this before you get back to comics? Something like Terry meeting Ben could be nice too, there are so few lewds of him. Sorry for asking so much before you're done with this one, just excited you're getting back into things.

Stoker Bramwell

This gets better with every update


Oh that’s great to hear! It’s good to see Ben and Sandra again.