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Hey guys! Today I have some, not too great but not… SUPER HORRIBLE changes to share. These changes will be regarding my Tiers and Goals section on the front page and were decisions I came to after emailing with Patreon Staff and looking over my calendar for the next few months.

Due to trying to both comply with Patreon’s TOS a little better AND deal with more IRL time constraints I will be changing the reward tiers and goals from next month onward.

What does this mean?

  • The good news: the $1-$5 tiers will not change. Those will still stay the same “view comic, get PSDs, see sketches, and ask questions” they always were. This means that most of you wont really be affected by this change!

  • Now the bad news: $10 and $15 tiers will be eliminated completely for the future.

  • $10 : As much as I love the idea of sending people physical items, I have realized that my supplies and time have been running lower than normal. It is also a tier that had a very small cap that I had been flip-flopping with to begin with and kind of put a plug on things. Thus, I am going to be removing this tier. Patrons who have paid for this reward will still receive their mail for this month (and potentially next month since there will be 2 pledges before it's gone)! But after October this will be no more.

  • $15: Patreon still considers this tier gambling and so I will be removing it to comply with their TOS more fully

    • For anyone in the $15 tier who paid: You WILL receive a sketch. I will still be pulling from your names from my spreadsheet every month until everyone on it has received one. Basically the drawings will be the same as normal (one to three per month) until everyone who has paid has received one sketch, as promised!  How do you know if you are on the spreadsheet? If you have pledged to the $15 tier and did not win this month (september), you are on the spreadsheet and entitled to a sketch! The only difference is that the tier will be removed from the rewards section and no new pledges to it will be accepted.

Instead of having a paid-for reward tiers like the above I will be turning them into Freebies for meeting Goals instead.

  • At $500 per page I will hold a drawing every month that includes EVERY paid patron for free. This will both open the doors for everyone to get a sketch while not making anyone gamble. I still want to draw some custom things for you guys, I just want to make sure it’s not getting the site in trouble!

  • At $750 I will hold a secondary drawings for mailed merchandise. I will hold these drawings after conventions I attend ( about 4 times a year) to give people a chance at some free leftover-stock swag! This will also include every patron for free and may have multiple prizes given based on how much leftover merchandise I have.

  • At $1000 a page the sketch drawing will change into a full color pinup. I really doubt I will get at high as this, but I think that deserves an extra cool bonus for you guys.

To give ample time for folks to see this these changes will be taking place 1 Week from today: 09/16/2015

For safety of rewards if you are in the $10-$15 tiers at the moment I would change your tier down to the next highest one you would like to pledge at between the $1-$5 levels. I have screenshots of who is currently paid up in the tiers for $10-$15 rewards so feel free to move around! I completely understand the lowering  or even cancelling of pledges due to these changes. I will always be grateful that you would pledge in the first place! You guys have definitely pulled me through some rough stuff and these comics would not be possible without the encouragement. I am truly sorry to have to delete these extra rewards, but hopefully I can make it up to you with the Goals and we can still have some fun along the way!



That sounds fair enough really :) know all to well what it can be like with time and whatnot :I to be honest i mainly pledged to see the comics and other art anyway, the chance of a sketch was a bonus :) so yeah I'm not going anywhere, will just go down to the next available payment tier


You'll still have my support, no matter what. It sucks that you have to throw everything around, but alas. Thank you for being so open and responsive. I haven't regret my pledge for a moment.


Thanks for the understanding! You still get the sketch either way for sure, I definitely want to make good on my promises to the folks in it and I did have fun doing them. I don't like loose ends hanging!


I want to try me best to be honest with everyone here because they have shown me nothing but amazing support. The least I could do is always be open with what's up and try my best to be fair across the board. I want people to enjoy their stay!