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I wanted to offer something a little fun in my downtime and some food for thought for the coming months. My Patreon is technically for comics AND pinups but I have been working so hard on the last comic I haven't really made too many of the other. I thought it might be fun for you guys to put in some suggestions of what you'd like to see and maybe I can draw some up :D Examples of pinups can be seen in my last PSD pack. If you can't access the PSD pack a few of the examples appear in my FA gallery as well. Rules: -No Personal OCs for this round - Any species / gender / expression is game - Any pose / scene / ideas welcome Hope to see some interesting stuff in the comments :3




Perhaps a cute, herm wolf? Shyly showing off her extra bits in a bedroom?


That one with Ben on the far right has me pitching a tent, how about that? Or is that in a pack?

Gwen The Goblin

Lady zebra in shibari bondage, perhaps?