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 Hey guys!   

I promised a news post this month, so here it is. A few important things below about this Patreon and what the immediate future is going to hold. Just wanted to keep everyone in the loop! 

The Good News:
Safeword is complete! During the month of November I will be working on editing the comic for physical sale (Yes, that means there will be actual paper copies!) as well as for a nice clean PDF for the $5+ folks here. This is the longest comic I have made to date, so it may take a while to get through all the pages but I'm really excited to finally wrap this one up after so long. 

The Bad (ish) News:
Last week I had a surgery that will complicate my ability to draw for long periods of time for about 4-6 weeks. On top of that, with convention prep for next year as well as preparing for a large move / life event I most likely will not be able to share content as consistently as I usually would on this platform.  

That said: This Patreon wont be dead or anything, but things will change up a tiny bit. When I do make updates here they will be pinups, suggestions, one-offs, or other smaller pieces until things even out a bit more for me IRL. While I do have another long comic planned it doesn't look like I will be able to get to it for a good few months, at least if not a year. I have used this Patreon to consistently create comics since the beginning, so I understand if this hiatus from them will be a deterrent for some people. There will most likely not be any paid updates for October regardless of these events as I have to wrap up some other projects that need attention.  

My Patreon will always remain on a per-complete-work payment schedule. This means that now and forever you will only be charged if I complete content. The content might just come at a slower pace for a bit. I appreciate all the support everyone here has given me over the last few years. You have no idea how much it means to me and has helped me! I hope I can keep making stuff that you guys enjoy, even if the pace is less than even for the next little bit. 



Thank you for the update and the significant notice of content change for the next several months. While I do provide the support for the comics. I can handle a temporary change in content while you stabilize things on your end since you were upfront about it. I wish you a speedy recovery and not just cause I look forward to seeing the comic.

Diego P

I hope you have a smooth recovery, take care please!


I’m happy to support you as long as you’re still chasing your dream.


Will the occasional pieces you post on here during your downtime also be posted publicly at a later date?