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Hello and welcome to the new revamped monthly post, now known as Speck Monthly. You will be greeted with this from now on each month, as I will provide what's going on with the Pateron at the start of the month, usually the couple days before or on the actual month.

For the new Paterons, welcome! I've gotten quite a bit of new subscribers in the last week, and I'd like to say thank you. I've been starting to up my production value on my work as of late and learning new tech, so I'm glad to have you all here! Truly!

So in this month, I will not be producing any content. Being that August is the last true month of summer, I will be taking this month to regroup, recharge, and relax as fall will be in soon - But that doesn't mean I won't be getting a start of planning for the future months.

I've already got flicks planned with both Sam Lucky and Cupcake coming in September, both varying in different styles.

Ashley as mentioned in a previous post is working on a huge edit for me as well, definitely check that post here!

That's all for now. If you're subbed by Monday, you will not be charged, as I will not be around. I hope you guys enjoy all the films I've made and don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions. Thanks and have a good August guys!

