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After talking with other content creators and also watching other content, I'd like to hear from my subs here. Do you guys prefer to watch an entire clip that has a scenario, but mutiple parts?

I know these days, we've transitioned from watching 10+ minute videos to shorter bite sized ones, and I know one sub that has commented in the past, says they prefer shorter clips that are in that sweet spot of 5-8 minutes.

But with that being said, what do you all prefer? Voice your opinion in the comments too as well!

I'll be keeping this in mind. Sometimes the payoff of a longer clip isn't worth quality and I use go off the amount of footage that I shoot or that is given to me. So for example, if I get like a project that is like beyond 12 minutes, I will more than likely structure it into parts than it being a singular video.

I'll post a follow up poll sometime later in the week to get more impressions and data relating to this.
