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Ok gang, so a general life update. I have started a new position, which is a big step in my personal career growth and development. I won't be stopping doing what I love here, still have plans to shoot as my time does open up. But I want to stress how important it has been for me to pursue my dreams and career goals. With that being said, I will continue to do this.

I just want to you guys to know what's going on too. 

Shoots will definitely continue. They're not going anywhere. It might be to a point where this job will allow me to do more shoots, maybe once a month during weekends and maybe holidays.

You guys will continue to get exclusives here first.  Flicks and Shorts will always come to Pateron first.

Camera equipment and lightning will be upgraded. I have invested in new lens and some new cameras to bring even more dynamic POV content to be done.

Stick around. I hope you guys continue to be patient with me and please ask questions if you need anything!   


- Speck


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