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Hey there, I hope you're having a great day!

I've been hard at work on making this Loona game a reality this month. I've gone from concept to here in about two weeks, and it's coming along very well so far.

Helluva Hound: Hole Pound Minigame - Basic premise

Loona is exceptionally dominant towards you. She wants her ass worshiped, and it's up to you to make that happen. I did initially have some dialog about a contract or an obligation to give her an@l, but ultimately decided against it to leave the situation open for user interpretation on why it's happening ;).

I have chosen SultryLampVA because she did a great job with the Loona loop I did last month. I've written the dialog and it's currently with her for voice acting. The dialog sent to the VA is here! If you'd rather not be spoiled, don't click the link.

I'll be working on the action animation over the next few days, and planning to get the audio back for lip-syncing in the last week. If all goes well, I really hope I can get this done within the month!

Feedback and suggestions are very welcome, especially while the game is still at this stage. 

Thank you for your support and patience while I work on this! ❤️

PS: I will be visiting family in Canada next month. It is a 14 hour flight from here. I will be taking my drawing tablet and a computer setup to keep working while visiting. My ultimate goal is to get some more fairy findr done along with Loona this month, so I can have some kind of preview release for it in December. Originally I thought a fairy release this month, but I really don't want to rush Loona! I hope this is okay with everyone.




so much yes


I’m an ass man myself, but pussy stuff is cuter imo. I’ll be happy with the result no matter what tho


Omg I can’t wait


That. Looks. Delicious!


Can we knock her up? 🤔


is there gonna be futa option? <3


You should do a funny either warning screen or voice line about getting syphilis because she has it


I always try to add it If i can, perhaps i can have it hanging down or something? It may not be in the release version but i can add an update for it


well that's why i think Judy in limo was the best of your all scenes <3

G.I. Jose

So will we be able to pick a$s/Pu$sy. Or is it only an An@l game?

Ash The Kitsune

Gonna need to stuff the puppy.


can you maybe include the paws with the pose or thats too much


Just added a little scene where she holds her phone up and scrolls it! not quite what you were asking for but her hand will be visible for a bit

叔 大

I can't wait for fk this hot foxy and make her pregnant

mikey willard

Will she aheago when she squirts?🙈🙈🙈


I believe he is talking about the back paws, the footsies if you will.