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Here's the first look at the next Bunnycop scene, x Gideon (Gideon will be able to swap to a human in options)

The scene has a guest artist, this flat image is drawn by Siroc, and I will be using it as a base to animate the scene into the game. Currently these are the flat WIPs,

I will be continuing my update on Rivet this month, and I will post another wip text update mid-month with more info on that, with a planned release by the end of this month.

I hope you enjoy, and feedback is very welcome!



Ima Snail

Art looks nice, I personally don’t like to see the dudes face in h games (unless he’s a trap I guess). I like to focus most of my attention of the girl(s).


The human guy's body will be bigger, so it will probably not be visible (past the door). So that option will probably work for you


Bunnycop: on-gideon


Hope to have an option where her ears are downwards instead of upwards


This is gonna be epic 😔👌


There should be pies on those shelves


So Gideon will only have human genitals? That's a bummer. The other two scenes kept the animal based stuff for them. Why the change to human stuff for both options?


It's supposed to be after the delivery for the day, but I'll see what i can do. Maybe add a code that adds them, that would be funny


Just curious if this will be vaginal only, or will it be able to swap between vaginal and anal?


Until the animation process in-game is happening I wont be sure, but perhaps if she's wearing a hat or something the lower ears would be used. Its a bit far off right now for me to know how that's going to work just yet :)

Cosmic Nebula

Would it be possible To have Judy say the word creampie? 😘😍 I mean it’s is a pie delivery truck. Wink 😉

Cosmic Nebula

Is the next update going to include more outfits for Judy?

Cosmic Nebula

Like what for example ;)


Wont be seriously thinking about it until I get back to Judy, but probably the plaid outfit she's wearing in this scene, and some other unique outfits. Probably lingerie options

Cosmic Nebula

I know I commented it before but I would love to see Judy wearing a wedding dress in this scene.

Alex Selesnick

I would love to see a footjob scene


Can her police uniform be an option?


Hey, so I’ve really been enjoying your work, and I know you’ve barely even started THIS scene, but I would love to make a suggestion for the next one: Judy and Nick in an empty room at the police station.


Nick will be the last scene(s) in the game, I know it will be a long wait but it'll be like the ending of the game :)


Well, the wait will be bearable so long as you keep NTR dialogue as a checkbox that I can turn off. I know this isn’t really the place to say it, but I ship Nick and Judy HARD, and I PERSONALLY don’t want to hear Judy bashing the fox I love her with. But I also don’t want you to remove the option for people who are in to that kind of play. So just please keep NTR optional :-)


I just can't wait for Judy Nick 🐰


Would you consider a double blowjob with Judy and bellwether or Mrs otter


Might I suggest https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fkingcomix.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F02%2FSweet-Sting-2-%25E2%2580%2593-Zootopia-63.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fkingcomix.com%2Fsweet-sting-2-zootopia%2F&tbnid=gV9XYXipHRiyjM&vet=12ahUKEwjU0sGpuKv1AhXeCTQIHWoaAd0QMyhPegQIARBU..i&docid=ZV4AoZ2tawiSWM&w=2000&h=3000&itg=1&q=judy%20hopps%20porn%20comic&ved=2ahUKEwjU0sGpuKv1AhXeCTQIHWoaAd0QMyhPegQIARBU Long URL I know but it's a google pulled up image thing. As a design for a costume. Some eye liner would be a cool detail, but that outfit is quite nice.

Aaron Hall

Maybe at some point could be an optional DP? :3


I am planning for a DP scene in the future for coco, I hope this is okay :o. I will also look into making the wall scene be able to have a spitroast option!


Cool artist choice; smart to collab with other talent like this for your projects.

