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Hi everyone, I hope you're having a great day.

Firstly, thank you all for the huge support on Bunnycop. It really pushes me to continue making updates for all my games and It brings me a huge amount of joy that people like to play them! <3

I wanted to keep everyone up to date with progress on it. I am currently in the process of adding more accessories, plus the coom outside option will be available in about a week. Please enjoy these little previews of just some of the accessories I've made so far for the update.

The Next Game

I've started initial sketching and working out what the next game will be. It's still early, but I'd really like to do a Rivet game.

The idea is have the game in portrait. There's a short opening (on a black screen, voiced) Where Rivet is pumping herself up to meet a guy to continue the Lombax race. She meets a human in the bar, he picks her up and has her way with her holding her up to the wall. She's super into it, especially with everyone in the bar being able to see. (early wip pic):

I'm not sure if having Ratchet as a swapable body will be an option or not. If people are vocal about it being ratchet instead of the guy i will consider it, however this poll on twitter seems to lean in the human x ratchet direction:

Until then, Bunnycop update soon everyone! Not too much longer to wait, I thank you for your patience <3




Yo Rivet??? I'm so hyped


Rip to Lola Bunny :c...


Tried to draw her, didn't come out in a way i liked it. Perhaps in the future if i can draw her better


All good my guy lol, just joking around. I'm going to be excited no matter who it is tbh 😂


Rivet! Yaaaassss!


Have you thought about doing an Ashelin Praxis game? If you took inspiration from Akabur's style that would be really hot.

shinden teatrino

Can't wait for rivet. About time she got her own game

Le Ratchet

&lt;3 Rivet